Library Camp London (#libcampldn) update


A quick update about Library Camp London (#libcampldn) as I have been asked many questions on Twitter and by email this week.

We released general tickets on the afternoon of Monday 10th December. I did this about 2 pm and the response was spectacular, in about an hour we’d ‘sold’ them all and were building up an Eventbrite waitlist. I released a further 30 tickets to clear the waitlist.

We now have 100 library campers registered including advance tickets we released earlier for library and information students.

Thank you for your interest in Library Camp London. The excitement and buzz on Twitter and offline, especially people wanting to be involved in organizing and talking about their session ideas has been wonderful. What next?


Although you’ve missed the first ticket release, you can register to join the waiting list for Library Camp London tickets.

If you are interested in attending Library Camp London, please join the waitlist. This is because when we release more tickets those already on the waitlist will be offered them first.


I am working with my employer (and Library Camp host) Senate House Library, University of London to make more space available for Library Camp London.

We want Library Camp London to be as inclusive and diverse as possible. In particular although we’re hosting the event at an academic library, it’s not focused on academic libraries or higher education. For this reason we’re making a case to make the event bigger.


There will be at least one further ticket release for Library Camp London. This is likely to be in January 2013.

Please watch for announcements from me (@preater) and the other organizers Gary (@ggnewed) and David (@davidclover) on twitter.
